ilates while pregnant at Tami Newman Physiotherapy Melrose Johannesburg
Pilates while pregnant at Tami Newman Physiotherapy Melrose Johannesburg

Pilates for pregnant women is a fun and beneficial way of exercising during pregnancy.

Exercising during pregnancy has many benefits and is important for the health of the mom as well as the health of the unborn baby.

There are numerous benefits of exercising during pregnancy:

–          Exercising during pregnancy can help women to adapt to the changes occurring in her body

–          Helps to ease the aches and pains in the body

–          Can prevent longer term post-partum problems

–          Relaxation, positioning and breathing awareness will help during pregnancy and labour

–          Relaxation also improves the woman’s mental state

–          Improves body awareness

–          Improves cardiovascular fitness and reduces weight gain

–          Could lower blood pressure and prevent diabetes

–          Reduced risk of premature birth

–          Reduced risk of birth complications

–          Speedier recovery

–          Improved stress tolerance in the foetus